Our Recent Vacations

We may not be able to go on as many vacations as we’d like, but we still get to travel a fair amount. But while we do some of the must-sees at an location, we also try to find the hidden gems, the places that aren’t on those top ten lists.

After all, we’re not trying to have the same vacation as everyone else. We’re trying to dig a little deeper, find the places that call to us.

Of course, we do read reviews. Especially when it comes to hotels and restaurants. But we also spend a lot of time just walking around and popping into random places that seem like they’re for us.

Here, we’ll combine both the must-do’s and the must-sees, with the randomness we like to bring to our vacations. We’ll review what we had time to do, where we stayed, and where we ate. We’ll also give you a rundown of interactions we had with people (taxi drivers and Uber drivers are the best people to talk to in a new town!) to let you know what we wish we had time to do.

Plus, we’ll let you know about any events that you should check out if you can!

Don’t forget to comment or tag us on your favorite social media channel with your own recommendations if you’ve been to any of these places. We might even feature you on our post or on social media!

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