How to Go to the Supermarket with Anxiety of Crowds

In case you haven’t picked up on it by now, Jess and I shop very differently. This applies to clothes shopping, gift shopping, and really, any type of shopping. But those will have to be topics for a different day.

Here, we’re focused on the supermarket.

Mike, looks at food shopping like a battle or a race. Everything and everyone is an obstacle that’s in his way to get what he needs in as little time as possible.

Jess, on the other hand, goes into survival mode. She doesn’t like the crowds, doesn’t like the tight squeeze of the aisles, doesn’t like the old ladies browsing for the best deal on canned tuna fish while their cart is half an aisle away at an angle blocking everyone.

The anxiety pumps through her and, sometimes, she just shuts down. She doesn’t say anything, doesn’t want to do anything, and gives up.

This is a guide on how you can survive your weekly trip to the supermarket if you hate crowds as much as Jess.

Surviving the Supermarket with Anxiety

For years Jess has hated the supermarket. I think part of the reason is so she doesn’t have to go. But mostly it’s the stress and the anxiety that sweeps over her. Below are some of the tips on how she survives her trips to the supermarket and how you can too!

Tip #1: Go at Off-Peak Hours

Hate crowds? Your best bet at the supermarket is to go early on the weekend. And I mean early. Mike goes before 8 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Most of the time, he’s home within 45 minutes.

Not an early bird? Don’t worry. Neither is Jess. Go Friday night on your way home from work. Tuesday night seems to be good too. Go anytime besides the weekend between 9 am and 4 pm and you should be good.

Whatever works for your schedule, do that. Just don’t go at 11 am on Sunday morning and get upset when you find crowds.

Tip #2: Make a List

A list means you won’t browse. It also keeps you focused on your next objective as opposed to focusing on the crowds. It also helps you stick to a budget.

However, this doesn’t work for everyone.

For instance, Jess doesn’t like sticking to a list. Her method is number 3.

Tip #3: Don’t Make a List

We know how contradictory these last two options are. We wrote this. But this list is supposed to be flexible. You need to know how they apply to you and your personality.

Jess doesn’t make a list. She distracts her mind by browsing and thinking about meals while we’re at the store.

If you’re a non-lister, ignore number two. It’s frustrating as hell if you like lists (like Mike). But, mainly, it’s just about distractions.

Tip #4: More Frequent, Smaller Trips

What’s the biggest source of clutter in the supermarket?

The carts.

If you can break up your trips to the supermarket, well good for you! It must be nice! Congratulations!

Okay. I’m good. Got that out of my system.

But if you can go multiple times a week, or get your produce from a farmer’s market or cold cuts from an actual deli (more on this later), you can cut the clutter and grab one of the hand carts and be nimble enough to wiggle through the tight aisles.

Plus, you get the exercise of carrying all your groceries around the store.

Tip #5: Don’t go to the Deli Counter

It doesn’t matter what time we go to the supermarket, there always seems to be a line at the deli counter.

We’ve tried the Grab ‘n’ Go option, or pre-sliced deli meats, but Mike hates it because he swears it’s not fresh. They always seem a little off. And, they don’t slice the meat thin enough and, of course, Mike likes it thin, just above shredded.

But, if you can avoid it and you don’t have people in your family who take cold cuts as seriously as Mike, you can grab the pre-sliced meats and be on your way. Because, there will always be a crowd at the deli counter.

Tip #6: Have Your Spouse or Partner do the Shopping         

This is Jess’s solution and it has worked pretty well in controlling her anxiety. But there are a couple reasons why it works for us. One, Mike wakes up early. Like before 6 am early, even on the weekends. When the store opens at seven, he’s already had two cups of coffee and is ready to go.

Second, Mike loves a challenge. And a 45-minute shopping trip is a challenge, regardless of what time he goes. So, Mike has fallen into Jess’s elaborate trap and shops and returns before Jess even wakes up.

Tip #7: Get Your Groceries Delivered

We do not participate in this because Mike actually likes going to the grocery store. He’s sick.

But many people have their groceries delivered. Many supermarkets offer this service, but we’ve seen the 16-year-olds browsing and grabbing the first piece of produce without any concern about what condition it’s in.

However, there are other companies that do a much better job because, well, it’s what they do. Some, such as Fresh Direct, allow you to place your order up to 11 o’clock p.m. the night before you want your food delivered. Of course, you can always order from Amazon, which works great, especially for paper products and things you use every month.

Tips for surviving the supermarket if you get anxiety? Get your groceries delivered. Have your spouse do it. Go at off-peak hours. #SupermarketAdventures #justmarriedlife Click To Tweet

Get a Hold of Your Anxiety

We all get anxiety at some point. For Mike it’s airplanes and heights. For Jess, it’s the supermarket.

Hopefully some of the tips above will help you overcome your supermarket anxiety. Or, just do what Jess did and marry perfection. If any of these tips have helped you, throw a comment below. Or, share your tips and we might add your advice to our article!

Don’t forget to keep reading about scouting cashiers at the supermarket and how to make Jess’s Famous Cookie Truffles.

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