Date Night for Grownups

Do you ever stop and look over at your spouse or long-time girlfriend or boyfriend and think, “Damn. We used to do some pretty cool stuff”?

Well, this section is dedicated to still doing cool shit, just with a grownup flair.

Most of these posts aren’t going to be about going to Trivia Night and ripping shots until two in the morning. They’re not going to be about the years we spent bartending together and staying after hours and smoking cigarettes and drinking until the sun came up.

There might be less shots, but our dates still involve enough drinking, whether it’s wine and sushi for dinner on Friday nights or a night cap at the dive bar near our apartment.

But it also includes going to a live recording of the Armchair Expert podcast with Dax Shepard and going to museums or spending all night cooking and sipping on wine.

What we’ve realized is that we don’t need to be cool twenty-something-year-olds to enjoy each other’s company. We need to be cool thirty-something-year-olds and keep learning and seeing new things.

Hopefully, these posts give you some ideas for your next grownup date night.

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