Commuting Oddities

We’re all going through similar rituals every day and every week. Yet sometimes, you look up at the stranger sitting next to you on the train and you wonder what the hell is wrong with them.

Or is it you?

Maybe they’re on the quiet car and just answered a phone call from their spouse and are now debating what to order for dinner loud enough for people to passively aggressively turn around, searching for the source of the noise like praire dogs looking for an invisible predator.

Or, maybe they’re walking slow once they get of the train and staring at their phone and you hope that they’re checking their work email, at least then it would be a little excusable—but you know they’re not—and when you finally find a way around them and you look over and see them playing Candy Crush your heart sinks because maybe we really are doomed.

You shouldn’t have to start your day with those kinds of thoughts.

But you know, deep in your heart, that no matter how messed up the trains are and the people who ride them, that it’s better than driving.

At least you don’t have to sit in traffic, fight for every inch, and have to flip off 18 wheelers for not letting you in, all without spilling your coffee.

Here are our latest posts about our daily trek to and from work.

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